Friday, February 4, 2011

Katsura Kan workshop Day #1

I'm attending a workshop with noted butoh master and teacher, Katsura Kan. The first day was last night. It was so wonderful to be practicing movement again in a class setting and with other people with such a wide range background in movement, dance and theater.

After warming up, we jumped into a walking exercise, or a.k.a. "slow butoh walk." We worked with a partner, where we just observed their everyday walking-down-the-street walk; then transitioned that into each step being 5 seconds long, until we finished a step being up to 10 seconds long. Very difficult, but also a great way to increase your overall awareness. After the first round, I found myself getting into this meditative, almost trancy, state. Also, when I watched my partner, I was fascinated by the placement of her arms and legs with each step. The way the breath would almost stop at moments, and her trying to remember to breathe.

We ended the workshop by lining up across the room and then our partners sat further down to watch us. We began the slow, 10 second-step walk toward our partners, with the gaze always forward. Then when Kan would end our walks, we had the opportunity to hear feedback from everyone. I love this process because people pick up on different things, and notice things about the way you hold yourself you never would pick up on. Next, I got to observe my partner and the rest of the class do "the walk." My partner had this softness, fluidity and consistency. I also noticed that every time her foot would make contact with floor, this ripple or wave would travel all the way up her body and out the top of her head. As people got closer, I noticed all sorts of things going for people such as faces, tension in the body, inner and outer processes, and different ways of holding the body in the movement.

The questions and insights that Kan brought up were what is neutral? When you're performing or in front of people doing your thing, are you acting or being neutral? Do we hide our true character? I'm glad he brought this up because our "walks" changed as we got closer to our partners. Is there a type of neutral character? Is that what "natural" is?

Aaahhh, such wonderful insights! Such great research! I'm looking forward to Day #2.......

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