Thursday, July 28, 2011


It's not only been awhile since I wrote on this blog (ok, only a month, but that's long for me), but it's been awhile (again for me) since I've danced. It's been awhile since I've been creative with movement. Yes, teaching a yoga class does require creativity, energy, and skill. But I miss the vastness and broadness of my butoh practice. I miss the fact that you don't really have to have a plan, and other times you can be more specific with your movement and inspiration.

I have been busy, but it's been a "good, productive" busy because I'm beginning to manifest and create what I want to do as a career and purpose in life.

Then I think of my dance practice and I feel this yearning. It's stronger at times. I trust that I will get back into it because it's what feeds my whole being and I find it therapeutic and a healing practice. I have aspirations to teach butoh exercises as a healing and self-care tool, and I'm working with a life coach on developing that. I also want to regroup with my fellow butoh clan and start generating ideas for projects, classes, workshops, or to just see them!!!!!

It's all about trust. I feel the fire getting ready to ignite. I'm gonna breathe, breathe, breathe.....