Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Butoh Practice: The Seaweed Body

From last night's Butoh Class/Practice....

The "Seaweed Body" Exercise: (A piece of the Free-write done after guided movement, never letting the pen leave the paper for a straight 3-5 min.)

"Fluid breath wormhole stream consciousness flow energy pathway synergistic patterns stuck caught damp sharp low tingling liquid"

Come PLAY and SEE for yourself every Monday night 7:15p-8:30p at The Center for Nia & Yoga. Located at 4 Central Avenue in Albany, NY.

Friday, October 4, 2013


So, if you knew me really well, you would know how much I LOVE dancing, moving, shaking, etc. I also have a love affair with Butoh. I don't know what it is about this movement art that keeps me coming back, asking questions, pondering, thinking, feeling about everything in life as we know it. Therefore, I'm so excited to share that I will be offering a Butoh Technique class on Monday nights! Although, I feel there's no right or wrong way to do Butoh; in fact you don't need any dance or movement background at all. But that's what I'm talking about! It's really something you can't explain fully and clearly to someone who's never heard or seen it. You have to experience it for yourself...MANY TIMES. So...COME SEE FOR YOURSELF!

Mondays 7:15pm-8:30pm
with Liz Filippone
The Center for Nia & Yoga
4 Central Ave Albany, NY

Butoh is an avant garde performance art that emerged out of Post-World War II Japan. It touches on the light and dark of life. It’s a movement investigation and exploration. Liz’s classes integrate butoh, physical theater exercises, guided-visualization and imagery, yogic techniques, and core conditioning. No dance background is required. In her classes, you will:

-create more space and openness on a physical, mental, energetic level
-connect with your core being to reveal what lives and breathes inside
-reduce stress and express yourself!