Sunday, January 19, 2014

Something's gotta...

Give? I don't know. Just playing with titles and themes of my next solo piece happening March 23rd (stay tuned for details!)

Of course, when I think of that statement, it's not accidental that it came to mind. After a VERY wonderful, intense Kundalini Yoga and Meditation workshop yesterday, so much stuff is flowing, showing, and running all over the place I really don't know how to put it into words. So movement and dancing is the best thing I can do for myself in those situations.

Emotions have been making a presence too. Totally fine, but unexpectedly -- showering, driving -- ya know, the usual places. Where is the best place to cry? Is there REALLY a "place" for "it"? A "time" for "it"? I don't believe that. If ya feel it, let it out.

Exploring movement today with objects, spaces and structures. I feel my movement/dance is going into a different direction. It's growing. On my way to rehearsal, I listened to music that I used in a piece two years ago. I thought showing a piece already complete would be a little easier on me since I have TWO other group pieces to remember. But, OF COURSE, I start warming up, which leads to free movement, which leads to ideas, ideas, ideas. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm so grateful that I can create and find new material for myself. It's not an easy thing. Those who choreograph dance/any kind of movement know what I'm talking about.

This post may sound like a ramble, but sometimes rambling gets the shit out so new ideas can flourish. I'm very excited what NEW ideas and inspirations will manifest in the next couple of months. I must commit to this change; this shift that is happening now. I've been feeling it for quite sometime. That I need to let go of things not serving me anymore. So maybe that's what gotta give?

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