Monday, April 18, 2011

Unleashing energy

My butoh/movement practice was truly engaging this past weekend. A lot of great exercises that warmed up and released some energy that was stored up in my body. Although, I had an energy session prior to practice, it was no accident I did some of these exercises.

One of them was about resistance. You pick a point across the room, and another person creates resistance with your body as you try to walk towards it. My partner grasped my ankles, while I moved toward the point using my core. I felt a struggle and my edge. I allowed myself to safely fall forward when I lost balance, but I kept pressing on. All of a sudden, guttural sound escaped me and I was grunting, yelling, roaring and screaming. It was like a fire was set within and I was unleashing it in any possible way I could. Afterward, my whole abdomen (power center) was humming. There was so much energy going through me I felt dizzy and almost nauseous. I got some air, sat down, and drank some water. As I took some deep breaths, I released some more emotion and I felt this very calm, sense of relief. I have been doing a lot of work on re-tuning my sense of power, will and intuition (also chakra 3). It's wonderful to be able to feel and acknowledge it!

The rest of the exercises were grounding and less intense ;-) I realized that I put a lot of meaning into the movement I do, and sometimes, it's okay to be "just physical" with movement. One of the exercises was playing with gravity; allowing yourself to fall and roll on the floor. Very playful! The other one was moving along your axis. You stand in a spot in a space and close your eyes, visualizing your body's axis. With a soft gaze, you move in a circle along your axis, while taking in the world around you. A big difference than looking out, but rather receiving what comes into your field of vision. There are more things you can add to it, which can make it engaging in different ways. One can make contact with another or not. It depends on the intention of the exercise.

What does energy mean to you? How do you unleash your energy when you feel you can't contain it anymore? What are some ways you contain it? i.e. stimulate acupressure points, sing, chant, dance, etc.

I feel we all have a fire within us.

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