Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just physical

This is my intention I want to create this Saturday for my movement practice. I want my movement to just be physical, and then see where it transforms. Tracking my thoughts and imagination will be very interesting.

I tend to put meaning into my movement all the time. In other words, there's some chatter that says, "your movement HAS to have meaning" and "if it doesn't have meaning, it's boring." I just blogged about this in detail on my other blog HERE if you're interested.

Although my intuition and heart says that isn't true, it's just my ego again looking to sabotage. You're so clever, ego!

Anyway, I'm interested in the movement itself and how my body/mind/spirit reacts to it. I do want to teach movement more, but at this point, I just want to move. Experience the physical. Watch, observe, and witness the body as this movable, expressive vehicle, and not get stuck in the head about what it means! Sometimes ya need a break from that.

Why do we tend to put meaning into everything, especially movement? Can we just appreciate it for what it presents?

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